
How to set up Model Registry

This section details how to set up and configure Model Registry on your Kubernetes cluster with Kubeflow.


These are the minimal requirements to install Model Registry:

  • Kubernetes >= 1.27
  • Kustomize >= 5.0.3 (see more)

Installing Model Registry

You can skip this step if you have already installed Kubeflow >=1.9. Your Kubeflow deployment includes Model Registry (see tracker issue).

To install Model Registry as part of Kubeflow, follow the Kubeflow installation guide.

If you want to install Model Registry separately from Kubeflow, or to get a later version of Model Registry, you can use one of the following Model Registry manifests. Remember to substitute the relevant release (e.g. v0.1.2), modify ref=main to ref=v0.1.2.

The following steps show how to install Model Registry in the context of a default Kubeflow >=1.8 installation.

kubectl apply -k ""

As the default Kubeflow installation provides an Istio mesh, apply the necessary manifests:

kubectl apply -k ""

Check Model Registry setup

You can check the status of the Model Registry deployment with your Kubernetes tooling, or for example with:

kubectl wait --for=condition=available -n kubeflow deployment/model-registry-deployment --timeout=1m
kubectl logs -n kubeflow deployment/model-registry-deployment

Optionally, you can also manually forward the REST API container port of Model Registry and interact with the REST API, for example with:

kubectl port-forward svc/model-registry-service -n kubeflow 8081:8080
# in another terminal:
curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8081/api/model_registry/v1alpha3/registered_models?pageSize=100&orderBy=ID&sortOrder=DESC' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' | jq

If you are not receiving a 2xx response, it might be the case you are trying to consume a different version (v1alphaX) of the REST API than intended.

Next steps


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Last modified April 17, 2024: implement review feedback (ba73b17)